The Start of a Christmas Tradition…

When child #1 was born, we spent our first Christmas as a family living in a small rented flat while we were waiting for our own house to be built so we only had a tiny Argos Christmas tree as we didn’t have a lot of space.  So for our 2nd Christmas we splashed out and bought a larger tree, decorations and lights but what I also did was buy one decoration for the tree that was just for her and that was the start of our little Christmas tradition.  For every Christmas that passed since then I continued to buy one more decoration for the tree.  This year is her 10th Christmas and three years ago child #2 arrived so that means two extra decorations for the tree now.  By the time they are ready to leave home, we’ll probably need another tree!

Here are this years decorations:

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While I’m on the subject of Christmas trees and the like this is one of the original decorations my mum and my dad had with their first ever tree when I was a baby.  As far as I know there was a whole set but over the years this dwindled down to two.  Now it may sound silly to some folks but I’m a bit sentimental over my Christmas decorations so when she decided she was throwing them out a couple of years ago, I swiped them and now they hang on my tree in pride of place…

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1 Response to The Start of a Christmas Tradition…

  1. Ken McGuire says:

    It’s a nice tradition to have. I know going up to the folks in Sligo at Christmast that there’s decorations hanging on the tree for myself and my brother and they’ve been doing it for over 20 years. First thing I look for now when I see the family tree go up 🙂

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